10 Ideas for Heartfelt & Meaningful Vows

By: Rachael Pace
| Published:
February 9, 2023

If you are planning your upcoming wedding, odds are you’ve given quite a bit of thought to what you want to say when you are exchanging your vows.

Standard wedding vows go something like this: “I [YOUR NAME] take thee [YOUR SPOUSE’S NAME] to be my wedding husband/wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.”

Have you ever wondered what these promises actually mean? Sure, these standard vows hold wonderful thoughts, but surely your marriage vows should say more than “I’ll stick with you even if you get sick” – right?

10 Romantic Wedding Vows to Say during Your Wedding Ceremony

Are you looking for the ultimate romantic speech that will tell your partner how you really feel? Whether you’re adding a little spice to traditional wedding vows or writing your own, these ten ideas for romantic wedding vows will make your wedding ceremony absolutely unforgettable.

1. I Vow to Be Your Best Friend

According to many marriage experts, friendship is a strong cornerstone to build a lasting relationship. Vowing to be your spouse’s best friend is one of the best marriage vows for her or him because it means that you’ll be focusing on more than just your romantic relationship.

Studies show that marital satisfaction is higher when spouses view each other as their best friends.

Not only does this boost happiness, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity to do more with your spouse.

Instead of focusing on strictly romantic outings, why not do things that friends would do together? Go to concerts, hang out around town, watch movies, and play games together. This promise is sure to strengthen your marriage bond.

2. I Promise to be Truthful

One of the best things you can give to your spouse is your honesty. Without it, your relationship would fall apart! Start your marriage off right by telling your spouse that you will be truthful to them from beginning to end, even when it’s hard to do so.

3. I Vow to Celebrate Us

Many couples get so caught up with the hustle and bustle of planning their wedding that they forget the real meaning of their ceremony.

A wedding isn’t just a big party or something only the bride should enjoy – it’s a celebration of your love!

Carry on this tradition of celebrating one another well into your marriage.

Studies show that couples who celebrate each other’s accomplishments as if they were their own are happier than those who do not celebrate successes together.

4. I Promise to Communicate

Communication is the backbone of any successful marriage. In order to get to know one another on a deeper level and learn to problem-solve effectively, couples need to know how to talk to each other.

According to marriage courses, some simple rules for communication in marriage are as follows.

  • You are not always right.
  • Listening is just as important as expressing your emotions.
  • Use “I feel” sentences when talking about problems so that your partner doesn’t feel attacked.
  • Have regular marriage check-ins to discuss your relationship.
  • Use positive language when talking about a relationship issue.
  • When a disagreement arises do not attack your partner, rather, look to solve the problem at hand.

5. I Vow to Support You Always

There is an old Yiddish proverb that goes “We plan, God laughs.”

You may enter into your marriage thinking that life is going to go a certain way, but Mother Nature has other plans for you and your spouse. You may experience some changes in your health, plans to start a family, change in careers, or the country or home you live in.

Instead of letting life’s unexpected changes throw you for a loop, vow to support each other emotionally, physically, and financially, to the best of your ability so long as you both shall live.

6. I Promise to Make You My First Priority

With growing families and work and social obligations, your marriage isn’t always going to feel like your number one priority, but you must keep it as such! You can do this by:

Make decisions together as a couple. This is one way you show your spouse you respect and prioritize your life with them.

Connect throughout the day. Tagging each other in funny/silly Instagram posts and sending sweet texts are just some simple ways you can stay connected to your spouse while you’re apart.

Don’t be defensive when your spouse is talking to you

Ask your spouse if there’s anything they need from you emotionally or physically

Put your phone away when you are talking to your partner.

Studies show that couples experience a boost in happiness and decrease in stress when they are spending time together. If this isn’t encouragement to make your spouse your priority, we don’t know what is! When it comes to romantic vows for your wedding, promising to put your spouse first is key.

7. I Vow to Be Faithful

One of the best marriage vows for her or him is the vow to be faithful to one another. Keeping secrets or betraying a partner’s trust by being emotionally or physically intimate with someone else is sure to break your marriage.

Start your union off right by promising to come to each other when you are feeling bored or troubled in the relationship instead of trying to fill your emotional void with the romantic company of another.

8. I Promise to Always Make Time for You

Date night is a great way that couples show they are making time for each other. Set aside one night a week where the kids are with the babysitter and you can be alone with your spouse. This is a great way to boost romance and continue to get to know each other as romantic partners – not just as exhausted parents!)

Research indicates that couples who had a regular date night were less likely to get divorced and experienced a boost in sexual satisfaction as well as communication.

9. I Vow to Love You Through Thick and Thin

Ask any couple who has been married longer than 5 years and they will tell you that joining two lives together isn’t always easy.

You are two people who come from different backgrounds. You are bound to have some disagreements along the way.

But, instead of running from relationship problems, your great communication skills have helped you grow stronger in spite of any hardships you’ve had to go through.

Promise to your spouse in these marriage vows for her or him to stay strong and united, even when life throws a curveball your way.

10. I Promise to Respect You Forever

You cannot have love if you don’t have respect in your marriage. You can show your spouse you respect him or her by honoring their boundaries, being kind to them, keeping the details of your married life private, and showing appreciation for each other on a regular basis.

Start your marriage on the best foot possible by making these heartfelt promises. These ten marriage vows for her or him can easily be placed into your traditional or self-written vows and hold powerful messages. By living up to them, you show your partner that you truly care about them and value your marriage.

Wedding Vow Artwork - Calligraphy Wedding Vows

Romantic Wedding Vows Artwork

Turn your wedding vows into custom artwork to hang in your home!

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