Consume these nutrient-rich, whole foods to glow on your wedding day

From salmon to beetroot — here’s all you need to incorporate into your diet

The key to being a radiant bride. (Source: Pexels)

Wedding day is, undoubtedly, one of the most special days for anyone. Thus, people end up spending months to make sure all the arrangements are perfect and in place. However, amidst this hustle-bustle, many tend to forget their self-care routine which is crucial to glow on your big day. You may have the best hair and make-up artist in place but nothing beats the glow that comes from within.


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Wondering how to amp up your fitness and nutrition game? Nutritionist and diet coach Minaschi Pettukola is here to the rescue. This wedding season, incorporate these colourful, varied, nutrient-rich, whole foods suggested by Pettukola and make sure that you shine not just on your wedding day but for days to come.



Salmon is a powerhouse of essential fatty acids and is very rich in Omega. It is the perfect recipe all on its own for glowing skin and shining hair.


Every Indian household is familiar with the benefits of turmeric. It is an age-old staple in our kitchens and is excellent in healing damaged skin and can repair sun-damaged skin.


Garlic is known to reduce and fight off any skin infections. It is also recognised for boosting immunity which is of prime importance nowadays.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits can easily be added to your breakfast as oranges and grapefruit. They promote healthy collagen production and can fight inflammation and toxicity.


Greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, mustard and fenugreek leaves are rich in antioxidants, calcium and folate, necessary to keep your skin healthy and glowing.


Beetroot is an exceptionally rich source of antioxidant compounds which repair skin cells, promotes new skin growth and younger cells.

Whole grains

Whole grains are rich in fibre and nutrients especially in these days of highly processed and nutrient-depleted foods. Whole-grain foods help tilt the balance towards a healthier diet.


Other foods which make a big difference to enriching your diet are eggs, nuts and seeds, pro and prebiotics, lentils and green tea.

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