Employees searching for woman who lost wedding ring at Taranto’s

Few things are more precious to a married woman than her wedding ring, but last week, one went missing.

A woman dining at Taranto’s in Woolmarket lost her ring and asked employees at the store to help her look for it.

Employees searched, but could not find it and called the woman Friday to give her the bad news, but a deeper cleaning on Wednesday including moving some furniture revealed the lost ring.

The problem now? They can’t find the information on the woman who called to report it missing. Taranto’s Owner Gindy Taranto said, “Well, in the process this week of moving things and cleaning, the ring turned up. And of course, we don’t have her number anymore or her name. We’re just trying to get it back to her.  We just reached out on Facebook and tried to get people to share it to see if we could find this woman and get her ring back to her.”

If anyone knows who this wedding ring belongs to, let them know it was found. Taranto’s employees will be happy to return it to the owner.