What It Was Like Meeting Mayim Bialik Backstage, According To A Big Bang Theory Extra

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  • What It Was Like Meeting Mayim Bialik Backstage, According To A Big Bang Theory Extra

An extra got to live out her dream on The Big Bang Theory, running into Mayim Bialik backstage.

Mayim Bialik The Things

Not only was The Big Bang Theory a blast for the cast itself, but as it turns out, the extras on the show also had a great time. An extra described her experience with Medium, discussing what life was like behind the scenes on The Big Bang Theory.

The extra revealed that the day was a long one, lasting ten-hours. Her role as an extra was also changed at the last second, simply due to the fact that the waitress wardrobe fit her better than the other extra.

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In the following, we’ll go into greater detail, discussing what it was like for the extra running into Mayim Bialik backstage. We’re also going to revisit Bialik’s journey on the show starting out, and how she landed the role because of her desire to get health insurance back.

Mayim Bialik Took On The Role Of Amy In The Big Bang Theory To Get Her Health Insurance Back

Mayim Bialik Instar

Appearing on The Big Bang Theory as Amy, Mayim Bialik was the perfect fit for the role. During her audition, the monologue was very short, and just had five lines.

In truth, Bialik at the time thought at best, she’d take part in a handful of episodes. In turn, this would cause her to get health insurance back, something very much needed at the time.

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Bialik recalls, “I’m sure all of you up north can understand that I was running out of health insurance because that’s not considered a human right in this country,” she said.

“I figured if I can just get even a couple of jobs like here or there, I’ll be able to get insurance again.”

Bialik ended up getting the role on The Big Bang Theory, a sitcom she had never watched at the time of her audition.

“I eventually auditioned for this show called The Big Bang Theory which I had never seen, and it changed my life and I got insurance. I did not expect to be a regular on a television show. I had been teaching neuroscience.”

Big Bang Theory cast Instar

Credit to Jenny Chen for sharing her story of living out a dream, and getting to be a Big Bang Theory extra. Chen discussed her lengthy 10-hour day alongside Medium. It was quite the experience, and one that was made that much better when the extra ran into Mayim Bialik.

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The extra had a blast with the quick little exchange.

She revealed, “When I was waiting for the other waitresses to get dressed, I saw Mayim Bialik (Amy) come down the hall in a wedding dress costume after her shoot was finished.”

“I casually told her that she looked cute in her dress and she thanked me. Being able to have a small exchange of words with one of the main cast members was so incredible.”

Yet another example of how much goes into a shoot during The Big Bang Theory, with the sitcom also prepping various extras for the show.

The Big Bang Theory Extra Also Credited Jim Parsons And His Intense Process During Scenes

Of course, the most impactful moment for Chen was taking to the actual set, and getting to work alongside the main cast, which included Jim Parsons. The extra was blown away by Parsons’ intense preparation. Prior to the scene, Jim was intensely readying himself for the scene.

“I watched Jim Parsons review his lines over and over again as he practiced them quietly to himself on set. He not only recited his lines, but his facial expressions matched what he was saying as well.”

“His eyes fixated on a single spot in the room while he rehearsed as if that spot stood the person that he was saying his lines to. It was unreal to watch. I zoned out all the chatter in the room and just watched and listened to him practice from a few feet away.”

Not only did Jim have to memorize his lines, but he also had to think about facial expressions to go with it. Credit to Parsons for perfecting his role as Sheldon for 12 seasons.