Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt delighted fans with a non-fussy, effortless look for her spring wedding earlier this year. Whether it was her make-up which highlighted her beautiful skin, and her freckles, or her hair that was layered in soft waves, it added to her stunningly simple look. The less-is-more approach seemed to work and the Indian beauty looked ethereal on her big day as she married Ranbir Kapoor.
Alia’s hairstyle much like her make-up look was relaxed and natural for her big day. The natural beauty left her tousled tresses loose around her shoulders with just a soft wave added in. She paired the style with a statement matha patti featuring uncut diamonds and hand-strung pearls.
Alia put the meaning into the “no make-up, make-up” look for her recent nuptials. The actress opted for fresh and light make-up with natural skin (allowing her beautiful freckles to shine through), and just a touch of contour and colour on her cheeks. Her lips and eyelids were stained with just a hint of colour in a soft pink tone and her lashes were kept natural too.
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Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
The Look: Classic Glamour
As someone who is no stranger to having her hair and make-up done, Jennifer Lopez surely knows what looks good on her. As the pop star and actress married her sweetheart Ben Affleck this summer, (twice in fact), she opted for a classic glamourous look to complement her Ralph Lauren Hollywood-inspired wedding gowns. JLo turned to her loyal glam team to create not one but three looks for her second wedding at the couple’s country estate in Georgia.
For her blown-out hair look, Jennifer enlisted the help of her long-time hairstylist Chris Appleton. For her first Vegas wedding ceremony, JLo opted loose bouncy curls, but for the second wedding, she chose a more elegant and regal approach. JLo had three wedding dresses on the day which meant three hair creations. The pop queen started with her hair pulled back from her face and fastened in a loose bun at the back of her head, before letting her hair down (quite literally) at the back while keeping it pulled back off her shoulders for the evening’s events.
Jennifer Lopez’s make-up artist Mary Phillips added to the glamour with a soft yet impactful beauty look. To complement her skin tone and the white dress, Jennifer chose a soft purple-hued makeup look for her lips and her eyes. Philips began with glowing skin and strong contouring on her cheeks, including a glowing highlight around her cheekbones. Her lips featured a strong outline and a cool neutral shade of colour. She finished the look with dark thick lashes.
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The Look: Understated Elegance
Indian actress Nayanthara tied the knot with filmmaker Vignesh Shivan in an intimate ceremony in Chennai this summer. The actress wowed in a series of wedding gowns that reflected the romantic setting of the venue. When it came to her beauty look Nayanthara went for something understated and elegant with just a touch of sparkle.
For her hairstyle which was created by Amit Thakur, Nayanthara chose a simple middle-parted up-do which gave room for her bold red dress to shine. Her hair was fixed in a low-textured bun at her nape and surrounded by elegant white jasmine flowers.
When it came to makeup, the actress opted for a chic classic look featuring soft nude tones. Created by makeup artist Puneet B Saini, the glam creation was focused on the eyes using golden tones and a soft smoky finish. Lashes were thick and black and a soft touch of black eyeliner completed the look. Shying away from bold tones on her lips, Nayanthara opted for a matte nude hue and finished with a peach blush on her cheeks. Her thick brows were given extra volume and finished with perfecting brow gel.
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Nicola Peltz
Nicola Peltz
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The Look: Retro Chic
For her extravagant marriage to the eldest of the Beckham brood earlier this year American actress Nicola Peltz was inspired by Brigitte Bardot and ‘90s supermodels. As she married her sweetheart in Florida, Nicola’s look resembled retro-glam movies combined elegance with a clear sense of individuality.
Nicola’s hair look was created by her long-time friend and hairstylist Adir Abergel, who she met on the set of Transformers in 2015. Peltz opted for a half-up-half-down ‘do which could be seen under her long veil. The star’s long bangs were parted in the middle for a retro look. Her hair had a soft wave and plenty of texture to add a modern twist to the style.
Nicola enlisted the help of Chanel makeup artist Kate Lee to create her natural makeup look for her big day. This was not the first time the two have worked together so it was a simple process to define what looks good on the beauty. Complementing the retro theme of her hairstyle and accentuating her natural beauty Peltz chose a barely-there makeup look with a few interesting details to add some dimension. An all-over dewy glow was given to add light and bring out the actress’s natural features.
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